big serious paintings
sheep on canvas
tribute to nudes
first year
second year
third year
fourth year

1 good TV set, gold plated,
1 set of gold plated crowns
(copies of those on the "Mary of Brezje"),
1 TV piedestal, one "box",
hundereds of tea-candels, 1 lighter
Sept - Nov 2007

Zlato tele
the Golden Calf
The Golden Calf as exhibited at the Ljubljana Hest Gallery
Nov 26th – Dec 10th 2007

"the object of worship"
"the object of worship"

"the box"
"the box":
candle storage, "piggy bank", candlestick

making of the crowns 1

making of the crowns 1:
hand carving the (fibre and cellulose enforced) plaster cast
(that phase alone took me 40 hours)

making of the crowns 2

making of the crowns 2:
one crown ready
to be prepared for gold plating

making of the crowns 3

making of the crowns 3:
gold plated crowns are ready for the jewels and velvet to be painted on.
after that's dried out
I've patinated the gold.
And glued the crowns to the screen.

- On September 2007 they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the crowning of the painting »Mary of Brezje«. The celebration was, as every year, both religious and political.
My piece The Golden Calf should be taken as a hermetic, painter's tribute to the occasion, celebrating nothing less than »the beginning of postmodernism in the slovene art of painting«.

- Obvious biblical reference: »The Golden Calf«, Exodus 32 (God didn't like somone has cast a calf out of gold for people to pray to. Doesn't end nice…).
Every time I visit Brezje I see an »oil on canvas«, fitted with 2 massive golden crowns covered with real jewels. With luxurious, enormous, gold-platted frame. I see piles of thanksgiving letters and gifts, I observe the booming business with intercessions…
Than I wonder – do they praise what's on the painting, what's »behind« it, or – the painting itself?

- A game of words: in Slovene »calf« translates as »tele«. »Zlato tele«.
Tele – television. This coincidence provides a special local, national point of view.

- Fetishising: instead of throwing my 19 years old TV set Loewe Opta Concept 70 (in working condition) away, I decided to turn it into a fetish.
I've larned how - from the case of the famous slovene painting.

- What have I crowned? The artefact television, just the screen, or what’s behind – the program? Similar to what I ask myself before that painting.

- “Sacrifice”: by fitting the precious massive golden crowns on the painting – they’ve in fact destroyed, or at least sabotaged it somehow.
I’ve done a similar thing to my ex TV set. It is, although in perfect working condition, to be exhibited unplugged – as a mere fetish, ripped off it’s immanent functionality.
Association: Werner Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle”.

- On “video-art”: “The golden Calf” is a fake idol – it stans for idolizing of the old video-technology that is persistlently ousting the “paintbrush” from the “painting” exhibitions…

- On globalisation: TV screens bring images of the world into the intimacy of our homes. Images of disaters, wars, corpses, imigas of “the clash of civilisations”. Religious discourse, that rules todays globalised media, is just as anachronistic, as is “holding on to a paintbrush” today…

- »Double penetration«: a story of sacral versus banal, of »sin« versus »redemption«, of T2. Roman – Catholic Church, through the Maribor archdiocese, owns the IT company T2. T2 has established an impressive optical fibres network and is today amongst the biggest cabel Tv providers in Slovenia. Porn included.
The Church penetrates our country both with churches – houses of redemption, and with pornography – the instant sin. It unites sarcal and banal, modern and traditional… It provides both instant sin and instant deliverance.

- ...

If you're interested in exhibiting
the Golden Calf at your gallery or just to spice up your events - feel free to contact me.

Known issues:
- fire hazard (check out the possibilities of lighthing the candles indoors)
- supervision ("the box" tends to collect money)
- incomprehension/ lack of understanding/ failure to grasp...